Three Reasons LinkedIn Lead Generation Ads Are Strategic Gold

For the past several years marketers have been exploring various methods for lead generation on social media, website efforts and email marketing. While most digital marketing experts will vouch for Facebook advertising and their lead generation tool, I want to present another great option for marketers in 2019.

Did you know that 71 percent of B2B marketers use LinkedIn as part of their advertising strategy and that 79% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn as an effective source for generating leads?

Here I share my reasons why LinkedIn Lead Generation is the tool your business should be utilizing for high quality leads.

Reason 1: Optimized Budgets

First things first, you will need a company page associated with a personal account if you plan to run Lead Generation ads on LinkedIn.

Similar to Facebook, LinkedIn provides optimized budgeting that allows their algorithm to best determine who to deliver your ads to within your audience targeting. With this feature we have seen great success with receiving high quality leads based on how LinkedIn is pushing our budget to our designated audience.

Unlike Facebook, you will not set a lifetime budget per ad set, but instead a daily spend maximum that will allocate throughout all ads in your campaign. One key thing to remember is even if you pause your ads, they will continue to spend and could spend up to 20 percent over you determined budget.

Reason 2: Specific Targeting

When running lead generation ads, targeting is key. You want to ensure that your message is hitting the right people so you can receive the most high-quality leads for your budget.

My favorite aspect about LinkedIn’s advertising platform is their audience targeting. This tool provides one of the most intricate audience analysis to accurately reach the right people with your message, service or expertise. You can directly access specific job titles, current or past, and have the ability to research similar job titles within that particular industry.

While this may seem like a common sense method to advertising, many platforms do not have the ability to get as granular as LinkedIn allows.

Reason 3: Form Simplicity

The lead generation form within LinkedIn is one of their greatest assets within the platform. As we know, anyone clicking on an ad is looking for an easy user experience. LinkedIn’s lead generation forms provides this simplicity and functionality by automatically pulling the information from the user’s personal account as they fill out the form attached to your ad. When creating the form you determine the seven most important demographic questions that will be on the form. One thing to note is that to use this function your website must contain a privacy policy page otherwise your form will not be approved to run with your ads.

Learning a new advertising platform can be a daunting task, but LinkedIn Lead Generation advertising is an extremely valuable option that could be beneficial for your business and clients seeking immediate growth.

Are you utilizing LinkedIn’s lead generation advertising? Leave us a note in the comments!

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